Author’s Bio

Chef Nancy “Teaching Others To Do The Same”


Today, Nancy is a writer of children’s stories. Because of her belief that every life matters, Nancy’s passion to reach others and inspire them to be the best they can be while enjoying life in the moment is the catalyst for the series The Adventures of Farm Dog Stuart.

Nancy Falster is a former nationally board-certified histologist as well as an entrepreneur in the health and fitness world  and has been all of her adult life. Nancy actively taught Aerobic Dancing, finished the 2016 NYC Marathon, and continues promoting physical fitness education. She is a professional Personal Chef and owner of the Certified Wholistic Falster Farm on Pasture 365™
What began as a fun home school project for her children became a successful mobile restaurant in San Antonio:

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When Karl’s health took a turn for the worse as a result of his Combat Related issues from Viet Nam, the quest for enduring health through nutrition became her top priority.
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Today, Nancy is a writer of children’s stories while providing on-the-farm cooking classes, teaching nutrient-dense methods for preparing traditional foods; and, speaking on the value of returning to the roots of real food for improving quality of life.
Thanksgiving weekend 2011, Nancy rescued Stuart when he was found, dumped off in their East Texas woods. Through diligent training and paying attention to Stuart’s unique bent, Nancy and Karl helped him develop his natural skill as The Night Watch on their farm. Farm Dog Stuart is a licensed therapy dog and enjoys bringing smiles to those he comes in contact with at nursing homes, schools, in libraries and of course at Falster Farm on Pasture 365™.
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